The Break You Need


“In the summer, the days were long, stretching into each other. Out of school, everything was on pause and yet happening at the same time, this collection of weeks when anything was possible.”⠀
-Sarah Dessen⠀


The Summer is a tricky time of year for artists. My sales reports have consistently shown that this is a slower time. People are traveling, enjoying their families…maybe less decorating gets done and buying art slips down on the priority list. ⠀

It used to give me panic…

What’s happening, will anyone ever buy from me again? How do things come to such a screeching halt? ⠀

I’ve come to realize that it’s a gift. A break. You said you needed one in April and May when your to do list was overwhelming and you felt like a robot churning out art. You made a promise in your heart to embrace the next opportunity where you had nothing on your plate. ⠀

Know that you’re not alone. I’m finally realizing the gift that this is…the natural ebbs and flows of the market are allowing you to play more, experiment, gather inspiration, travel and prepare (for the fall!)⠀

So take this time. Enjoy the sunshine. Have a slow morning. Take pictures and listen to music. It’s all creativity. It’s all feeding the back of your mind where your ideas will be birthed in the coming months. ⠀



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