look for signs of life

“Look for signs of life.”

I’ve heard Mariam Naficy, the founder of Minted, say this a few times. It’s a lesson I am learning over and over.

When something you’re creating is resonating with your audience, go deeper.

Those signs of life can come in external confirmation…people literally telling you they are connecting with what you’re creating.

Sometimes the signs of life are that what you’re creating currently syncs with your lifestyle.

My lifestyle is being a busy mom of three kids so part of why I work with watercolor is that it’s practical. Clean up is minimal, the list of supplies to create is short and I can leave it to dry (and get a kid a snack) and come back to a different (and better) painting…cause watercolor is magic like that.

When I found watercolor I knew instinctively that this would be my medium.

And when my abstract sales were growing, I put my attention there.
Practice looking for the signs of life, and nourishing those things and they will grow.



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