What are you proud of?


Anxiety manifests in my art practice in two words…imposter syndrome. ⠀

Thoughts like “who do you think you’re kidding, creating this garbage?”

“Your work is shit”… “You can’t create good work and be a good mom”…

generally horrible thoughts like that.

My inner critic can be nasty.

So how do I continue to create through days like this?

I focus on what I’ve accomplished and what I’m proud of.

I look back at my year through my planner and journal and take stock of the projects, art, people and businesses

I’ve had the opportunity to work with.

I feel immense gratitude when I do this.

I try and see from an outsider’s perspective…what immaterial things does this woman possess?

What are things she can be proud of?

Well…one thing is my grit.

I started this art business from nothing. I taught myself how to build and run an art business from home. No art degree. No business degree. Perseverance runs strong in my blood. It’s been a slow growth, as I’ve been raising my kids, but I haven’t wavered. I’m in this for the long haul.

Another thing I’m proud of…my choice to give up alcohol.

I often think of the quote, “Drinking alcohol is like pouring gasoline on your anxiety”. Eliminating this one thing from my life, vastly improved my health and my art business, among many other things. I’ve found that a great by product of kicking the booze is that I trust myself more and don’t care as much what people think. This has been liberating and has directly helped my art business grow. I am more intentional and direct with people and waffle on my decisions a lot less.

Now tell me, what are YOU proud of?

When you look back on your year what is the theme that emerges for you?

Have you overcome an obstacle? Have you been through a major life change or a personal transformation?

Take stock of how far you’ve come…and be proud of yourself.

You are not the same person you were a year ago!


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